Special invite:

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Join Give Yourself to Love for $600 off.

Whether you're single or in a relationship, this self-study course gives you simple tools and step-by-step practices to clarify your vision, go past your stopping points, and focus your energy on finding and growing the partnership you love.

Find and grow the partnership you love.

Gain a spiritual, practical approach to finding and growing the partnership you love — without wasting your time or energy.

* for people who are single OR in a relationship

Give Yourself to Love

Online self-study course • Go at your own pace

Whether you are single OR in partnership, this course will give you simple principles, tools, & practices to clarify your vision, go past your stopping points, and focus your energy on finding and growing the partnership you love.

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In this course, you will:

  • Find and grow partnership with joy instead of fear or desperation.
  • Identify your blind spots and go past your inner stopping points.
  • Show up loving even under stress, so you can end the day without regrets.
  • Free up space in your life, so you can savor the opportunities for love.
  • See when to commit, give it a chance, or move on, without wasting energy.
  • Learn your lessons the easy way, so you can cherish more happy memories.

Graduate testimonials

"I’m in an extremely different place thanks to the course, which benefits my spiritual practice, my family life, my relationships… everything!" — Dawn Robertson

"This course has been incredible. It's the best money and effort I've spent when it comes to truly making a positive difference in my partnership." — Brinkley Hutchings

"Even though my husband & I were a happy married couple before the course, this program gave us a common language and a shared framework that has helped to resolve issues when those bumps inevitably arise." — Monica Leap

"Zo is a masterful teacher and coach who guides you in a clear, thoughtful, and empowering way. As a result of the course, I have a set of language and principles that have deepened my relationships in all spheres of life. I also love the supportive learning community. Participants cheer each other on during and between sessions, and learn from each other's courageous journeys. I strongly recommend this to anyone seeking to live a life in service of love." — Rachel Fryke

“I’ve fallen in love with the world. This course has opened my heart in ways I never thought possible.” — Laura Lee

“I now see myself as someone truly “going for” love. I’m asking people out instead of talking myself out of it. I’m not “waiting for a partner” before doing things I love… I’m doing them now, because that’s the person I’d want my partner to meet. If I could send one message to my future partner, it would be: take this course.” — Jeremy Blanchard

“This course has helped me enjoy dating; say goodbye with grace to relationships that weren’t a fit; and say “yes!” to budding romance even when it scares me. This course creates real results — and it’s actually FUN.” — Lizzy Fox

“I’m SO GRATEFUL for this course! It’s been a life-changer. I’ve been engaging in romantic possibilities and everyday interactions with presence, clarity, and joy. Instead of feeling terrified or defeated, I’m actually EXCITED to find my life partner!” — Rachel Fryke

“This course helped me in crucial moments early in my relationship. I realized I was looking for “deal breakers,” when it was really just the normal “eek” when you really like someone. I loved the blend of principles, coaching, and learning from each other — the group wisdom was remarkable.” — Allison Roeser

"I ended a partnership in a way that was TRULY remarkable, and I've started a new relationship that is extraordinarily awesome. I'm experiencing a grace in my life I never have before. My vision is coming to life!" — Geena Glaser

"Relevant, timely, and thoughtfully executed course with real-world RESULTS. You'll also be in a class with some of the coolest people you could ever meet, as Zo attracts a following of social and environmental justice advocates, dreamers, artists and creators." — Sarah Regenspan

"This course helped me see deeply fulfilling romantic relationships as possible for me, right where I was at (and start dating after a loooong hiatus!). I highly recommend the course, whether you're in a partnership, seeking one, or interested in having more authentic and mutually supportive, awesome, generative relationships. I especially recommend it if you have stories about why you can't have what you want when it comes to dating and partnership." — Cedar Ranney

A roadmap for partnership.

6 principles for partnership, whether you are in or seeking a relationship.

Enjoy lifetime access and study at your own pace! Each of the 6 modules includes training slides, video, and audio; exercises for reflection and self-discovery; and practical tools for daily life.

Principle 1: Envision True Partnership

  • See what is truly important to you in partnership, so you can set aside any “on-paper criteria” that might be getting in your way.
  • Discover your “authentic vision” for partnership, so you can build partnership you truly love.

Principle 2: Get Out of Love’s Way

  • Calm your mental chatter around getting hurt or hurting others, worrying “all the good ones are taken,” or thinking you’re unworthy of love.
  • Develop a compassionate relationship with your brain, so you no longer need to take all of your thoughts around love and partnership so seriously!

Principle 3: Be the Partner You Seek

  • See how to “put yourself out there” in your own unique, authentic (fun!) way — without grasping, forcing, settling, or being someone you’re not.
  • Gain a simple set of principles and tools for nurturing intimacy, communicating openly, and doing in partnership what you could not do alone.

Principle 4: Set the Table for Love

  • Make yourself fully available for love, so you’re ready for partnership when it comes!
  • Arrange your life in a way that allows you to cherish and savor partnership.

Principle 5: Let Love Grow

  • See how to answer the question: ‘How do I tell if they’re right for me?’ so you don’t have to worry anymore about making the “wrong” choice.
  • Learn to quickly discern when to move on, when to commit, and when to keep nurturing the possibility so you can see what it really is!

Principle 6: Be Love’s Student

  • See how to sustain the principles you learn in this course as a lifelong practice, instead of a one-off experience.
  • Develop your capacity to focus your attention on what you’re doing right, instead of dwelling on what you’re doing wrong.

Graduate testimonials

"This course has been incredible. It's the best money and effort I've spent when it comes to truly making a positive difference in my partnership." — Brinkley Hutchings

"Even though my husband & I were a happy married couple before the course, this program gave us a common language and a shared framework that has helped to resolve issues when those bumps inevitably arise." — Monica Leap

"Zo is a masterful teacher and coach who guides you in a clear, thoughtful, and empowering way. As a result of the course, I have a set of language and principles that have deepened my relationships in all spheres of life. I also love the supportive learning community. Participants cheer each other on during and between sessions, and learn from each other's courageous journeys. I strongly recommend this to anyone seeking to live a life in service of love." — Rachel Fryke

“I’ve fallen in love with the world. This course has opened my heart in ways I never thought possible.” — Laura Lee

“I now see myself as someone truly “going for” love. I’m asking people out instead of talking myself out of it. I’m not “waiting for a partner” before doing things I love… I’m doing them now, because that’s the person I’d want my partner to meet. If I could send one message to my future partner, it would be: take this course.” — Jeremy Blanchard

“This course has helped me enjoy dating; say goodbye with grace to relationships that weren’t a fit; and say “yes!” to budding romance even when it scares me. This course creates real results — and it’s actually FUN.” — Lizzy Fox

“I’m SO GRATEFUL for this course! It’s been a life-changer. I’ve been engaging in romantic possibilities and everyday interactions with presence, clarity, and joy. Instead of feeling terrified or defeated, I’m actually EXCITED to find my life partner!” — Rachel Fryke

"Relevant, timely, and thoughtfully executed course with real-world RESULTS. You'll also be in a class with some of the coolest people you could ever meet, as Zo attracts a following of social and environmental justice advocates, dreamers, artists and creators." — Sarah Regenspan

"This course helped me see deeply fulfilling romantic relationships as possible for me, right where I was at (and start dating after a loooong hiatus!). I highly recommend the course, whether you're in a partnership, seeking one, or interested in having more authentic and mutually supportive, awesome, generative relationships. I especially recommend it if you have stories about why you can't have what you want when it comes to dating and partnership." — Cedar Ranney

“This course helped me in crucial moments early in my relationship. I realized I was looking for “deal breakers,” when it was really just the normal “eek” when you really like someone. I loved the blend of principles, coaching, and learning from each other — the group wisdom was remarkable.” — Allison Roeser

"I ended a partnership in a way that was TRULY remarkable, and I've started a new relationship that is extraordinarily awesome. I'm experiencing a grace in my life I never have before. My vision is coming to life!" — Geena Glaser

"I’m in an extremely different place thanks to the course, which benefits my spiritual practice, my family life, my relationships… everything!" — Dawn Robertson

Who this is for

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This is for purpose-driven "do-gooders" who know love is the fuel for building a better world. Organizers, innovators, rabble-rousers, educators, social workers, civic leaders, advocates, and justice-seekers: I’m talking to you!

Single OR in a relationship

Whether you’re IN a relationship or READY for one, this is for you if you want a spiritual, practical approach to being the partner you seek. This is for you if:

  • You feel stuck and you’re tired of "just waiting." You know love is important to you and you want to see a way forward — now rather than "someday."
  • You're ready for something more fulfilling. You're tired of trying to be someone you’re not, or staying in relationships that aren't a fit for you.
  • You're in a new relationship and you want to give it your best shot. You want to start fresh and learn from past mistakes, instead of repeating them.
  • You're at a crossroads in your current relationship. You want to get clear whether it's time to go slow, really commit, or move on with grace.
  • You're in a great relationship you want to deepen! Things are already going great and you want to keep building, learning, and growing together. YAY!

Folks of all backgrounds

I'm a hetero monogamous married light-brown Jewish dude, but this stuff is universal. The principles apply across age, race, class, culture, gender, ability, sexuality, and relationship type. That's why I love this course so much.

This is not for you right now if:

  1. You’re pretty much comfortable with where you are at the moment.
  2. You’re not interested right now in being in a committed relationship.
  3. You’re not in a place to be investing time or energy in your growth.
  4. You need to focus more fully on healing, before you can really look ahead.

“Do I need healing first?”

You’ll know you’re ready for the course NOW if:

  • Look ahead at what’s next for you in love and partnership.
  • Examine and shift the way you see and do things, even when doing so might bring up some discomfort.
  • Focus on finding and growing partnership for the purpose of contributing to your partner.

It's probably NOT for you right now if you are:

  • Unable to look ahead, because you are really consumed by painful memories from the past.
  • Unable to examine your way of seeing and doing things, because it’s currently too painful.
  • Focused on using partnership to “fill a hole” in your life.

Why people join:

  • “I feel ready to let go of my stories and self limiting beliefs about love.”
  • “To gain support in my relationship with myself and my relationship with my partner, improve my communication skills and capacity to show up for myself and for them.”
  • “I want strategies to find/grow a healthy romantic relationship, without feeling hopeless about it all.”
  • “Wanting support in creating an authentic, deep relationship that supports the unfoldment, blossoming, flourishing and thriving of both partners on all levels.”
  • “I want to shine a light on all of the ways I get in my own way regarding this deep desire I have for my love life.”
  • “I’m in the middle of breaking 10-year-old relationship patterns and getting new awareness about what I am looking for.”
  • “I am at crossroads/breaking point in my 5yr partnership. I would like to learn how to attract/cultivate a partnership with an equal, where we can both grow, share passion and inspire each other.”
  • “I’m confident you’re not going to tell me how to do this, but rather guide me to my own answers, and that feels like something I’d love more of — self-trust without worrying what other people think!”
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Graduate testimonials

"Even though my husband & I were a happy married couple before the course, this program gave us a common language and a shared framework that has helped to resolve issues when those bumps inevitably arise." — Monica Leap

"Zo is a masterful teacher and coach who guides you in a clear, thoughtful, and empowering way. As a result of the course, I have a set of language and principles that have deepened my relationships in all spheres of life. I also love the supportive learning community. Participants cheer each other on during and between sessions, and learn from each other's courageous journeys. I strongly recommend this to anyone seeking to live a life in service of love." — Rachel Fryke

“I’ve fallen in love with the world. This course has opened my heart in ways I never thought possible.” — Laura Lee

"This course has been incredible. It's the best money and effort I've spent when it comes to truly making a positive difference in my partnership." — Brinkley Hutchings

“I now see myself as someone truly “going for” love. I’m asking people out instead of talking myself out of it. I’m not “waiting for a partner” before doing things I love… I’m doing them now, because that’s the person I’d want my partner to meet. If I could send one message to my future partner, it would be: take this course.” — Jeremy Blanchard

“This course has helped me enjoy dating; say goodbye with grace to relationships that weren’t a fit; and say “yes!” to budding romance even when it scares me. This course creates real results — and it’s actually FUN.” — Lizzy Fox

“I’m SO GRATEFUL for this course! It’s been a life-changer. I’ve been engaging in romantic possibilities and everyday interactions with presence, clarity, and joy. Instead of feeling terrified or defeated, I’m actually EXCITED to find my life partner!” — Rachel Fryke

"Relevant, timely, and thoughtfully executed course with real-world RESULTS. You'll also be in a class with some of the coolest people you could ever meet, as Zo attracts a following of social and environmental justice advocates, dreamers, artists and creators." — Sarah Regenspan

"This course helped me see deeply fulfilling romantic relationships as possible for me, right where I was at (and start dating after a loooong hiatus!). I highly recommend the course, whether you're in a partnership, seeking one, or interested in having more authentic and mutually supportive, awesome, generative relationships. I especially recommend it if you have stories about why you can't have what you want when it comes to dating and partnership." — Cedar Ranney

“This course helped me in crucial moments early in my relationship. I realized I was looking for “deal breakers,” when it was really just the normal “eek” when you really like someone. I loved the blend of principles, coaching, and learning from each other — the group wisdom was remarkable.” — Allison Roeser

"I ended a partnership in a way that was TRULY remarkable, and I've started a new relationship that is extraordinarily awesome. I'm experiencing a grace in my life I never have before. My vision is coming to life!" — Geena Glaser

"I’m in an extremely different place thanks to the course, which benefits my spiritual practice, my family life, my relationships… everything!" — Dawn Robertson

About your course leader


Zo Tobi, PCC
Happy husband, proud papa, + certified coach

Hi! I'm Zo. I'm a musician, teacher, and coach. My mission is to help you live a life you are proud of.

Coaching is just as powerful as psychotherapy, yet anyone can call themselves a “coach." For that reason, it’s crucial to find someone well-trained by an accredited coaching school.

My training & experience

My approach

My approach is rooted in ontology, the study of being. Ontology looks at what it is to be human: The values we live by, the heroic journey we are each here to take, and, ultimately, the gift to others we want to be known for. My approach centers:

  • Universal wisdom: My approach is grounded in principles found across spiritual and secular traditions, from ancient wisdom teachings to the latest research in neuroscience.
  • Pragmatic principles: My approach turns timeless wisdom into an elegant framework of tools and practices for living your values, realizing your vision, and empowering others.
  • Transformational practices: My approach teaches you how to create lasting shifts in the way you see and do things — long after the high of an “aha” moment wears off.
  • Compassionate support: My approach honors the wholeness and dignity of every person, and affirms our capacity to move beyond external obstacles and internal limitations.
  • Social mission: At its heart, my approach is designed to empower people to fulfill their unique part in creating a world in which everyone is supported 100% and no one is left out.

Graduate testimonials

"Zo is a masterful teacher and coach who guides you in a clear, thoughtful, and empowering way. As a result of the course, I have a set of language and principles that have deepened my relationships in all spheres of life. I also love the supportive learning community. Participants cheer each other on during and between sessions, and learn from each other's courageous journeys. I strongly recommend this to anyone seeking to live a life in service of love." — Rachel Fryke

“I’ve fallen in love with the world. This course has opened my heart in ways I never thought possible.” — Laura Lee

"This course has been incredible. It's the best money and effort I've spent when it comes to truly making a positive difference in my partnership." — Brinkley Hutchings

“I now see myself as someone truly “going for” love. I’m asking people out instead of talking myself out of it. I’m not “waiting for a partner” before doing things I love… I’m doing them now, because that’s the person I’d want my partner to meet. If I could send one message to my future partner, it would be: take this course.” — Jeremy Blanchard

“This course has helped me enjoy dating; say goodbye with grace to relationships that weren’t a fit; and say “yes!” to budding romance even when it scares me. This course creates real results — and it’s actually FUN.” — Lizzy Fox

“I’m SO GRATEFUL for this course! It’s been a life-changer. I’ve been engaging in romantic possibilities and everyday interactions with presence, clarity, and joy. Instead of feeling terrified or defeated, I’m actually EXCITED to find my life partner!” — Rachel Fryke

"Even though my husband & I were a happy married couple before the course, this program gave us a common language and a shared framework that has helped to resolve issues when those bumps inevitably arise." — Monica Leap

"Relevant, timely, and thoughtfully executed course with real-world RESULTS. You'll also be in a class with some of the coolest people you could ever meet, as Zo attracts a following of social and environmental justice advocates, dreamers, artists and creators." — Sarah Regenspan

"This course helped me see deeply fulfilling romantic relationships as possible for me, right where I was at (and start dating after a loooong hiatus!). I highly recommend the course, whether you're in a partnership, seeking one, or interested in having more authentic and mutually supportive, awesome, generative relationships. I especially recommend it if you have stories about why you can't have what you want when it comes to dating and partnership." — Cedar Ranney

“This course helped me in crucial moments early in my relationship. I realized I was looking for “deal breakers,” when it was really just the normal “eek” when you really like someone. I loved the blend of principles, coaching, and learning from each other — the group wisdom was remarkable.” — Allison Roeser

"I ended a partnership in a way that was TRULY remarkable, and I've started a new relationship that is extraordinarily awesome. I'm experiencing a grace in my life I never have before. My vision is coming to life!" — Geena Glaser

"I’m in an extremely different place thanks to the course, which benefits my spiritual practice, my family life, my relationships… everything!" — Dawn Robertson

What’s Included

  • 6 training sessions

    One principle per session, laid out step-by-step with interactive reflection.

  • Easy homework & daily practices

    Simple tools & practices — not too much, not too little.

  • Private Facebook Group for support

    Ask for support anytime in our private group.

  • Lifetime access to course materials

    Slides, PDFs, video & audio recordings, and assignments.

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Graduate testimonials

“This course has helped me enjoy dating; say goodbye with grace to relationships that weren’t a fit; and say “yes!” to budding romance even when it scares me. This course creates real results — and it’s actually FUN.” — Lizzy Fox

"I’m in an extremely different place thanks to the course, which benefits my spiritual practice, my family life, my relationships… everything!" — Dawn Robertson

"This course helped me see deeply fulfilling romantic relationships as possible for me, right where I was at (and start dating after a loooong hiatus!). I highly recommend the course, whether you're in a partnership, seeking one, or interested in having more authentic and mutually supportive, awesome, generative relationships. I especially recommend it if you have stories about why you can't have what you want when it comes to dating and partnership." — Cedar Ranney

“I’ve fallen in love with the world. This course has opened my heart in ways I never thought possible.” — Laura Lee

"This course has been incredible. It's the best money and effort I've spent when it comes to truly making a positive difference in my partnership." — Brinkley Hutchings

"Even though my husband & I were a happy married couple before the course, this program gave us a common language and a shared framework that has helped to resolve issues when those bumps inevitably arise." — Monica Leap

"Relevant, timely, and thoughtfully executed course with real-world RESULTS. You'll also be in a class with some of the coolest people you could ever meet, as Zo attracts a following of social and environmental justice advocates, dreamers, artists and creators." — Sarah Regenspan

"Zo is a masterful teacher and coach who guides you in a clear, thoughtful, and empowering way. As a result of the course, I have a set of language and principles that have deepened my relationships in all spheres of life. I also love the supportive learning community. Participants cheer each other on during and between sessions, and learn from each other's courageous journeys. I strongly recommend this to anyone seeking to live a life in service of love." — Rachel Fryke

"I ended a partnership in a way that was TRULY remarkable, and I've started a new relationship that is extraordinarily awesome. I'm experiencing a grace in my life I never have before. My vision is coming to life!" — Geena Glaser

“I now see myself as someone truly “going for” love. I’m asking people out instead of talking myself out of it. I’m not “waiting for a partner” before doing things I love… I’m doing them now, because that’s the person I’d want my partner to meet. If I could send one message to my future partner, it would be: take this course.” — Jeremy Blanchard

“I’m SO GRATEFUL for this course! It’s been a life-changer. I’ve been engaging in romantic possibilities and everyday interactions with presence, clarity, and joy. Instead of feeling terrified or defeated, I’m actually EXCITED to find my life partner!” — Rachel Fryke

“This course helped me in crucial moments early in my relationship. I realized I was looking for “deal breakers,” when it was really just the normal “eek” when you really like someone. I loved the blend of principles, coaching, and learning from each other — the group wisdom was remarkable.” — Allison Roeser

Join now + save $600!

Option 1: Six monthly payments

Money-back guarantee

I know this program changes lives, and I am certain you're going to love it.
If you're not thrilled, contact me within 14 days and I'll give you a full refund.